Instagram is a much-preferred platform for online marketing these days, and its popularity is soaring high pretty fast with more than 300 million users across the world. Hence, it’s a very smart move to harness the power of this social media platform for your SEO needs too instead of just thinking about the marketing part. Although SEO is marketing too, some deep strategies used in SEO makes it powerful and special. Hence, when you try hardcore SEO while using Instagram for your business promotion, then your website get to see some great rank soon.
Harnessing the power of hashtags with keyword research
One of the much special facts about Instagram are the hashtags, which are similar in function to the same feature in Twitter. Hashtags are a way to tag or mark a post with some group or niche. It’s written with a hash sign before the word you chose for the tagging. And you may implement your researched keywords into the tag to get the attention of search engines.
The tags are a sure way to express and link your post to the best possibilities, groups, and niche. There are some very popular tags on Instagram marketing strategies, and people often relate their post to them to get maximum exposure. There are tools available, which help in researching the hashtags, and with them, you can know the most popular hashtags in use, also in your geographic area thereby aiding you in local SEO planning.
Before you use hashtags, you must know a few things about them. There are some advantages to using hashtags. You have simply no restriction on using them. You may use any number of hashtags after a post. You have to write the tags one after another with commas, and that’s it. You can hence declare the post with so many topics and niche with the use of multiple tags.
Also, you can create your tags. If you are attempting branding, and if you are trying to create a new word as the identity of your website or posts, then you may start contests on Instagram to make people use your hashtag, or answer with that tag to get some offer or prize.
Holding contests often help get the limelight
Many websites and businesses hold contests. But not all of them offer lucrative prizes. Hence the contestants do not remember those and soon forget. Your prize must be worth remembering your entity for both the purpose of branding and marketing. If you hold contents, the offer prizes which will create an impression. And this way you may get a broader fan following who may wait for your next contest, and may also search your website for news of the next contest. This surely will bring some real traffic to your website also.
Supporting charitable work and organizations
A great way to fetch the attention of the public is to invest time and effort in human welfare and charitable jobs. You need not get directly involved in this. You will have to pair up with a charitable organization and offer a portion of your earnings to them for supporting their noble cause.
This way you can easily make an impression of your business as one that supports humanity and communal welfare. Also, partnerships with non-rival businesses and companies which have the same lineup of viewers as you have can help by promoting mutual mention and sharing of content. Both businesses can benefit from this kind of partnership.
Using the business tools in Instagram
Instagram has some good business tools meant for the website and businesses looking for promotion. The tool helps you in analyzing metrics. Data like shares, impressions, engagement of the audience, insights, reach, and the reaction to paid advertisements, all are available under the Insights option.
Being in business means you must squeeze out some funds for the advertisements. If you spend on Instagram ads, you will also be able to see the results and analyze the metrics, and this will help you use the right keywords in ads.
Buying an already set Instagram account
Owning a platform which already has things arranged is a great way to set up the work area. And that you may do as well by buying an Instagram account which already has a big list of followers for Instagram. This has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that you will not have to invest time in creating followers and fans. You will get an already populated and popular health & fitness Instagram account to start your promotions.
The disadvantage is that your audience may be improper for your business or product, and you will have little choice there. Many people may not take any interest in your post at all for they were following something else before your buying of that account. Also, the impression of the previous owner on the minds of the followers can be a heavy thing to remove fast. Here come your promotion tactics to turn the audience towards you and fall for you.
Taking help of influencers
Influencer marketing is a great way to get the limelight. If you can find an influencer who would love to endorse your product or website, then it may be a great step. A post that the influencer does will endorse your product in some ways by sportingly mentioning it. And this works like a great charm in elevating your business. Content infused with such marketing may work even better in making people truly interested in your business.
Instagram is a great world to promote business and use SEO tips and tricks for better exposure with your lovely content. But you must invest your time and understanding here such that your efforts take shape. Else just mere posting with any abra-ca-dabra tag will not take you anywhere. You must have a dedicated set of hashtags for use, and also must invest and use new and apt tags and ways for SEO with Instagram.