Technology plays a significant role in the educational field. In the past, the textbooks and materials are used in the classroom but now such things are replaced by technological devices. Now the technology cannot be ignored because everyone deeply depends on technological devices. In the past teachers used traditional methods of teaching and they never focused on student-centered learning but in this modern era, teaching is fully focused on the student. Their interest and their skills were centered and given important.
At first, teachers hesitated in using technological devices because they thought the influence of technology will divert student’s interest and student’s concentration on studies. But when they used it and realized that technology makes students learn more actively and they perform in their academicals career easily without any kind of stress. Mainly teacher benefited from the technological tools in their teaching process.
When teacher use devices in the classroom students get more active and they involve in every class activity by avoiding traditional method of teaching teachers are using new techniques in teaching process to impress student and attract them towards learning process. Now more than 75% of schools and colleges are digitalized and in every classroom technological devices are used and students get a lot of benefit from that process.
Gave importance to distance learning
It is a very important development that technology brought in the field of education. Students are deeply depending on technology for their education as well as professional purpose. By encouraging distance learning it helps those struggling learners to educate themselves and achieve something in their life. In the past, there was only one place where people get some knowledge and education that is schools and colleges. But because of certain issues, people ignored educational career so for such people distance learning is a positive impact on them.
- Made students more independent
- Freedom in selecting career
- Learn while earning
- Ask for better job opportunities
As the demand for online learning and distance education increased rapidly they developed and included more courses in that list. Learners can select their own subject and learn whenever they are free. And it will help them to reach in a good position in their life. If they are working as a low-level employ by completing courses they can ask for a good position in the same company because they are qualified enough to reach that position. So technology has brought a good and positive impact on the learning process. Also, e-learning app development throws a great impact on improving student performance.
Student-centered learning
In the past, the teaching process was completely based on textbook-centered and there was no much importance to student’s wish and student’s opinion. But in this modern technological era, every single teacher and educator gives importance to students or learners.
Their view and their opinion are also taken into account. After presenting power point presentation or showing some video clips to the student’s teacher can organize a discussion in which students will participate actively and they will share their ideas and opinions. And they will discuss what they understood from the presentation and all.
- Made class more interesting
- Quality of teaching increased
- Gave importance to students ideas and opinions
From such discussions, the teacher can evaluate the impact of IoT technology in the classroom and on students. Evaluate whether students are able to understand and grasp the ideas presented. If the teacher gets some feedback from the student’s teacher should apply it to her next class which will impress the students and they will feel their words are counted and taken into account.
In this technology-based classroom teacher’s role is to give opportunities and facilitate the learning situations for the students. The teacher becomes an instructor rather than the commander. So student-centered learning always makes a good impact on students learning the process.
Encourage creativity
By using technological devices teacher can build a good rapport with the students. The teacher can create their own class website and ask students to post their own writings and creative ideas which will be appreciated in the social media. The teacher must encourage the creative thoughts and ideas of students so that they can post their ideas without any hesitation. If anyone gives a start then students will actively participate in it.
- Creative thoughts are encouraged and got a platform
- Positive learning environment along with their new ideas
It’s very difficult to find out the different type of creative ideas from the students because the teacher didn’t get much time to be free the students. So such technological facility will help the teacher to identify the creative students and teacher must comment positively on that post it will help to boost their confidence. Such technological developments really helpful to those students who are not confident enough to explore their ideas in the class room and feel shy to open up with teachers directly.
Technology-based communication will help to build a good rapport with the students which indirectly affect positively to their learning process. So technology helps to boost their creative thoughts which are a very important element in the educational process.
Always ready with a backup plan
When a teacher uses technology in the classroom and suddenly if it doesn’t work teacher will be ready with a backup plan. The teacher will never give up in such a situation.
- Increased the confidence level of teachers
- Teachers are ready with new ideas and skills to present their teaching
- Quality of teaching increased
Internet-connected technology will always help the teacher to present every item with confidence. It that particular concept does work and went the wrong teacher in a fraction of minute will be ready with another plan.
Technology is considered the greatest asset in the case of the educational field. It really helped to raise the standard of education and helped to present quality education for the students. By using technological devices in the classroom and colleges students will become expert in the technological field which is very important in their future professional life.
So such positivity is brought by technology in the field of education and helped each and every teacher to raise their learner into a better position and helped to move their career without much tension and stress.