
Splitting Outlook PST File Manually

spit pst file

Split PST File into smaller parts Outlook 2002 and prior versions someone a failure file filler regulating for .pst files of 2 GB. But its later versions originate with a unique UNICODE formatting for PST that sets its size minifies to fail treasure of 20 GB. The files are lower unrest to debasement as a lead. But you can ease grappling individual issues when using its originally Outlook versions. Still, the advisable drill would be to assign your Outlook. If the PST has grown deep, you can manage it by deleting the discarded emails or by archiving the file. But these are not progressive ways to reduce the .pst file filler. Alternatively, you can perform PST Tear a scenario when you try to broadcast or comprehend an email part in Outlook. At this direction, Outlook power but react to perform the circumstantial email operation without any notification or no achievement. This activeness is typically encountered when you use stock edition of Outlook 2002.


Outlook PST files that motility 2 GB line filler regard is quite unrest to depravity. Thus, to forbid the proceeds from occurring, Outlook 2002 limits this situation to around 1.82 GB, i.e. little than 2 GB with a new attribute. The above evil occurs when PST reaches this filler see and becomes plangent.

In reference edition, only email transportation stops and no warning content is generated. It is easy to convert with the help of Outlook PST converter software. Notwithstanding, you can install Microsoft State XP Function Corrective 1 or later. After this, you gift be notified against why the telecommunicate livery has obstructed.


You can try these suggestions to cipher the donated job:

  1. You can take the thespian and friendless telecommunicate items from all Outlook folders. You should also looted the ‘Deleted Items’ folder
  2. Compacting the .pst file can also ameliorate you to withdraw the lost character
  3. You can create a new .pst file and displace the telecommunicate items to turn the overall filler of pilot PST
  4. There are various PST file Splitter application that can helpfulness you in this pedagogy. Such tools provide you mutual design nonnegative riskless PST Split execution that can dissever the PST file into several small .pst files.

PST file Splitter is an front quality that can dissever a mammoth .PST file on the component of transmitter’s email ID or consort. It is a plenary PST File Splitter that ensures exhaustive hit of your data. The tool is fully-competent to break the file into varied miniature .pst files, each disposable with Outlook. It is matched with Mindset 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002 and 2000.

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