It is quite likely that successful developers are rare to find. A successful developer is not just recognized through his app development output but also some of his habits and working principles. If you want to shape a successful career in mobile application development, you must have a clear idea about these routine habits and working principles.
For example, an app developer may be a prolific JavaScript programmer but is often found to be lazy and less focused on productivity. Or, you can find app developers with great coding skills but who just give a fuck about writing clean and concise code. It is also a must to keep your app bug free which can do an experience developer. Many such habits can eat away the success potential of the developers.
Let us explain some of the routine habits and working principles that app developers should follow:
Giving attention to other stacks as well
By app development stack, we refer to the programming languages, libraries, frameworks, IDEs, operating system platforms, databases, app servers and other tools required to build the frontend and backend of an app project. A tech stack is the set of all these technologies for developing an app from start to finish.
Many popular development stacks in the web and app world include MEAN, MERN, LAMP, and others. Normally, a developer has expertise in one single tech stack required to develop the front-end or the back-end of the app and they follow web development trends. Just because the app development world is fast evolving, a popular tech stack can be outdated with the emergence of a new tech stack.
This is why it is important to watch the other popular and emerging tech stacks for the app projects while continuing with the tech stack that the developer already masters. Similarly, if you are an accomplished front-end developer with great experience across projects and proven skills for leading front-end development frameworks, you can still learn some popular and handy back-end development technologies and someday become a full-stack developer.
Make sure your code is clean, test-ready, easy to read and reusable.
This is a core habit of most successful app developers. They always insist on writing clean, easy to read and test-ready code. Successful app developers also have the uncanny habit of contributing to other developers by creating reusable components. They have worked with successful app developers and helped make React or Angular such popular JavaScript frameworks.
Writing clean and readable code has now become a critical requirement for any app that wants to stay on the growth path for years to come. Many software and app development companies now consider clean and concise coding ability as a key consideration for hiring developers for their projects.
As developers mature with their coding skills, they just don’t write code line after line for creating a simple function. Instead of writing so many lines of code, they learn to keep the code size concise to be easily read. Only such small-footprint, clean and concise code can be reused several times across app projects.
Find out if the code is broken in a few hours
Every developer encounters the problem of finding the broken code after a few hours of writing it. Successful app developers invariably grow the habit of checking the code they wrote within a few hours and ensuring that the function is working expectedly. This code checking makes the bug testing easier, or better to say. It relieves the app code from most of the regular errors or bugs.
Developers often complain that they make such coding errors when dealing with customer support issues or handling several support tasks remotely. Since many successful app developers are like night owls pouring off their productive hours in the nighttime, late-night dizziness or severe work stress sometimes result in unwanted coding errors or broken code. They must check the code in the morning and ensure that everything is working just fine.
Stick to a working discipline
You may have exceptional development talent and proven skills. But these qualities are not everything to guarantee your success as a developer. You also need to be highly disciplined and follow a routine to enhance productivity and deliver high-quality development output. Simply because of the lack of discipline, many talented developers just fail to achieve the career growth and success they deserve.
Some principles and disciplined habits are frequently found in successful app developers. Maintaining development speed and high productivity is something no developer can compromise with. Adhering to project deadlines and milestones is extremely important in today’s software and app projects. At the same time, they cannot compromise quality just because of faster development speed.
As part of their working discipline, successful app developers always do everything to keep distractions at bay when working on an app project. They follow a strict email schedule, keep professional conversations at scheduled times and shut off other unwanted distractions.
Continuous learning from unsuccessful projects
Another crucial habit of successful app developers is to learn continuously from unsuccessful app projects. By keeping a close watch on the apps in stores that are not performing well in terms of audience engagement, they can figure out the performance glitches and user experience issues corresponding to these apps.
If you want to learn what fault lines you need to keep at bay, you need to download the most unsuccessful apps of your niche that are already rejected by the users. The user experience issues and performance glitches experienced while using these apps can serve as eye-openers for a new project.
Wrapping Up
You can argue that several other habits and principles of successful app developers deserve a place in this discussion. Well, there are hundreds of them. So, we rather tried to focus on the ones that play the most constructive role in shaping a developer’s success.
Author’s Bio:
Raza Noorani is the Tech entrepreneur & Founder of Impero IT Services – an award-winning Mobile App Development Company! Raza and the team of flutter developers at Impero are also greatly recognized by Forbes and Clutch for their outstanding services! Hire Flutter Developer At Imperoit Services.