It is probably quite likely that if you are taking the time to read this particular article then you are an employer and you certainly want to save yourself money and reduce the number of days off sick by your particular employees. Statistics tell us that over the past decade, employees tend to take off an average of around 11 days every single year each for sickness leave. When you count all of these days up over the course of a business year then this amounts to significant amount of production time lost and it’s very likely runs into millions when it comes to real currency. You can easily start saving money during your sick days. If your business is experiencing similar figures then it might be time to take some measures and to put in place something that helps to reduce sickness leave.
One such recommendation is to put in place essential workplace flu vaccinations so that you can address a yearly problem at the beginning before it becomes a much bigger issue later. As a business owner, you do understand why it is that you always want a good return on your investment and so spending money on flu vaccinations for your employees now will certainly help to save you a considerable amount of money when flu season comes upon us. The following are just some other top tips that you can put into place to save yourself money and to reduce days off sick.
- Create a positive work culture – As an employer, you have a lot of responsibility when it comes to your workers and so you need to put things into place that recognises the hard work that they do and put in place some kind of reward in recognition of their efforts. Many employers do not take the time to even say to the staff that they have done well and so the business suffers as a direct result and they are unable to recruit the best talents.
- Create a sense of purpose – Employees need a reason to come to work every single day and if you are not supplying them with that then in all likelihood, they will be sitting on the edge of their beds trying to think of excuses not to go to work. Such saving helps you in preparing a budget for moving expenses. Such saving helps you in preparing a budget for moving expenses. You need to include your employees in all of the major decisions that you’re going to make on behalf of your business and this gives them a sense of belonging and let them know that you truly value their opinions.
- Implement better communication – Staff frequently complain that they don’t understand what it is that their line managers were asking from them and so they become de-motivated immediately when the boss berates them from not carrying out instructions. Communication is the key to any business being successful and so making sure that managers communicate properly with staff and leading from the top all help to improve the workplace.
By doing such things as implementing workplace flu vaccinations, you’re letting your staff know that you really do care about their welfare when it comes to their health and they will reward you with their loyalty and their efficiency.