
The Biggest Problem with Education Today

biggest problem with education today

Being literate permits an individual to access all the resources around him/her to become a successful human being. The road to education starts from a younger age and lasts until the person has found the appropriate profession to measure their accomplishment. In simple words, education helps us acquire knowledge and awareness about a wide variety of things which further benefits us in shaping our future. In the recent past, it has been observed that students are kept away from schools, and this circulates as a major evil for the education system.

The identification of similar problems and their eradication is a must to spread the light the education in every student’s life. Below mentioned are the prime hindrances which are blocking the path of education at the global level.

“Teach One, Each One”


Poverty is one of the serious issues that keeps children at a distance from accessing education in a complete form. As per research reports, 22% share of children across the U.S. are either at or below the poverty line. This becomes a major restriction for them to maintain schooling up to a satisfactory level.

Apart from school education, the fulfillment of graduation level studies is also influenced due to poverty. Active studies showcase that 17 states in the U.S. comprises of low-income students who are not able to receive full tutoring which they desire. Moreover, the ratio for poverty-stricken students in developing and underdeveloped nations is higher; posing a huge threat to the global education system.

The worst part is that students living below the poverty line tend to deliver the highest ratio concerning dropouts. Furthermore, students who are deprived from sufficient food and sleep, are less prospective to perform well in their academics. These are the harsh realities which are familiar to teachers, supervisors and lawmakers, but the efforts are still not enough to reduce the impact of poverty on student education. Quite recently the availability of online services have turned up to help students from all economic backgrounds to manage their homework at reasonable rates. These small steps can indeed make a difference when everyone is ready to contribute for education as a cause!


“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think”


When we are discussing the problem with education in the current setup, it does pinpoint towards health as one of the primary factors. Poor eating habits and sub-standard living conditions have targeted the health of students. Moreover, obesity has climbed up to epidemic proportions, primarily in developed nations such as the United States. It has been observed that obesity enhances the emergence of several diseases such as risk high blood pressure, which can directly lead to greater absenteeism as well as related academic concerns.

The authorities are making plans to improve the health condition for students through the introduction of lunch schemes. It has become important to raise the nutritional content in the meals which the students consume at school. Also, exercise programs have been incorporated in various schools with a motive to promote physical activity.

Interestingly, if any learning individual is not able to continue school or college due to bad health, they can still manage their assignment papers online. The presence of such vibrant online writing services has indeed supported ill students in times of misery.

Student Attitudes and Behavior

If your child is not getting good scores in academics, have you ever tried keeping a check on his/her behavior? The attitude as well as behavior of students plays a crucial role when it comes to receiving education. Too much pampering and ignorance by parents can spoil a child, who later becomes careless and rough while addressing people around him/her.

Studies tell that public school teachers have cited many student with dreadful attitudes like droopiness and disrespectful nature towards teachers. It is becoming a serious problem for most schools at the global scenario. Teachers are facing significant challenges including tardiness, absenteeism and lethargy, which is not allowing the development of a learning atmosphere in class. It must be noted that secondary schools are the most affected by student attitudes and behavior as compared to primary level schools.

For students who are not willing to attend school due to behavioral issues, seeking external help can be useful. College homework help websites are known to deliver notes and assignment papers for almost all subjects. This ensures a continuous delivery of knowledge even when the clouds are gruesome.

Parent Involvement

A gloomy situation at home can disturb your daily planner to a major extent. Imagine a similar situation for students who are influenced by family factors and are not able to attend school. Several teachers and members from school authorities agree to the fact that issues at home do impact the student’s tendency to learn. For example, divorce, violence, poverty etc., are challenges which the student carries to school on a daily basis.

Furthermore, lack of care and concern from the parents’ side is an associated factor which shuts the child’s urge to learn. Parents need to volunteer and assist their child in his/her studies. Comfort from online homework services can be termed effective. Whenever you feel confused and alone with your academic tasks, simply connect with this online essay writing service for quick assistance.


Technology has brought changing effects on education which needs to be decoded smartly. Students now possess high-end devices for gaming and accessing visual information, which is making them dependent on technology. Moreover, students rely majorly on the internet to access quick online services, which are capable of accepting assignment writing requests with the click of a button. Hence, become a necessity to merge technology and schooling in a balanced form to educate students.

Schools which do not possess techno-savvy methods to impart lessons aren’t able to keep the interest of the students. Maintaining a higher attention level can become difficult for students who are used to visual learning at home.  It has been observed that demand for smart classrooms is rising but its installation across different regions is not that quick. Schools which are facing a cash crunch are finding it as an unbeatable test to buy computers and other learning equipment.


It is a persistent problem that has kept students disturbed and away from school. Bullying drops a deep effect on the learning ability of numerous students. Furthermore, with the growth in technology and availability of social networking, virtual connections etc., bullies have gotten new ways to dwell fear into the hearts of sensitive students.

Cyberbullying is growing to become a prime concern for schools, and the number of suicides reported till date makes this problem quite grave. Presently, the laws associated to cyberbullying are not stringent, which increases the challenge for teachers, parents and administrators.

Looking at the above mentioned threats to the propagation of education, there needs to be a solid plan which can benefit aspiring students. The inclusion of certain guidelines needs to be incorporated with an aim to restrict the impact of poverty, health, bullying, etc., on the student population. There are counselling programs for students facing family problems or behavioral issues; this is a smart way to destroy bad influences in students who are struggling with education.

Author Bio:

Smeeta Sharma is a blogger. She loves to write on the updates of students career. She spends a lot of time on the internet to explore the world deeply. Currently, she loves to write on ideas related to the students and help them make the right choice in their career. Read her latest post on TrustedTutors

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