The Importance Of Implementing Mobile-Friendly SEO On Your Website

The Importance Of Implementing Mobile-Friendly SEO On Your Website

The world is going mobile, and if you want your business to succeed you had better get on board! A survey conducted by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) found that in 2022 there were more than 9 billion mobile subscriptions in use worldwide, compared to a global population of 8 billion! That means there are roughly 1 billion more mobile devices in the world than there are people! Mobile devices now account for over 50% of world wide web page views and over 65% of organic searches on Google. Website Accessibility is a critical component of SEO that ensures all users, including those with disabilities, can easily access and navigate your website, regardless of device. You can bet that Google is paying attention to the trend, and is tweaking its algorithms accordingly!

This is why now more than ever, your business’s SEO (search engine optimization) efforts need to be optimized for mobile devices! If it’s not, your website could be invisible to searches and you could lose leads and conversions as well as damage your rankings! One great way to make sure your website is maximised for mobile use is to consult with the experts on this site- They can use their profound knowledge and deep insights into the world of online commerce to help keep your site at the top of the page!

Considering the importance of mobile today, it’s vital to make sure your SEO is properly tailored to optimize your site’s success! Let’s take a look at the keys to making your website mobile-friendly.

You want to make sure your site:

  • Has speedy load times
  • Loads correctly on mobile devices
  • Can be understood by search engines
  • Contains readable content that doesn’t need to be zoomed in on
  • Is designed to allow mobile users to navigate the site easily
  • Gives users value to keep users engaged and entice them to visit again

There are three main factors that make mobile friendly SEO so critical to success:

  • Mobile devices are the preferred technology to perform searches from
  • Websites that can offer seamless mobile experiences are prioritized by Google
  • Voice search is most often performed on mobile devices

Having your website’s content easily discoverable on a mobile device will attract potential customers who have been shown to prefer the platform to complete their shopping experiences. A comprehensive link building plan is crucial for improving mobile-friendly SEO by increasing your website’s authority and visibility among relevant mobile users. The ability to move quickly and effortlessly between your business’s desktop site, brick-and-mortar store, and your mobile site gives them the flexibility they desire. 

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Your target audience is clearly using their mobile devices to discover new content, so it’s incumbent on you to make sure your website’s SEO is mobile-friendly and ready to draw them in and keep them! Never Mobile-Friendly SEO will significantly decrease website traffic and hinder overall SEO success.

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